We are under no affiliation with any of these companies. We are not partnered with them, nor host in their events. This information is just for your benefit, and ease of navigation when looking for opportunities. We hope you enjoy!
If you'd like to know more of these events, check out the website links provided!
Some cool upcoming events!
BorderHacks Virtual Hackathon
When September 25-27, 2020
Where Virtual
What Virtual hackathon to compete, learn, and win prizes!
Why There's prizes to be won, of course! It'll be super fun.
Spark Festival 2020
When October 12 to 23
Where Online Australia-wide format
What Australia's largest event for startups, innovators and entrepreneurs.
Why A place where people and organisations of the startup world together to imagine and create new, exciting, valuable, and successful ventures.
“Skies” Online Art Competition
When September 2020
Where Virtual
What An international competition welcoming artists to sumbit their work!
Why Promote the emerging and established artists from all over the world.